Clean Kitchen is a company providing meal kits that started out when all the world shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To make the chore of preparing food into something enjoyable, they started offering convenient meal kits – people could pick out their meals online and Clean Kitchen would assemble as well as deliver all that was needed to cook them, including the recipe, to the customer’s door. So, the company has a broad target audience – all those who cook at home or wish to start doing so. Check out this video to see how a newly emerging enterprise of this kind operates and which techniques they use in order to grow their clientele.

When selecting means of advertising, Clean Kitchen’s Head of Customer Service and Marketing, Helen Lukk, deems it most important for the results to be measurable and analysable. For this purpose, they often use digital marketing instruments such as Facebook or Google Ads to reach new clients. The company also makes active use of newsletters to communicate with existing customers.

Still, the company does not limit itself to digital means, but has actively experimented with more traditional means of advertising, such as radio and the press. The enterprise has also attempted to use direct mail, the efficiency of which was measured by giving out promotional codes.

As a few of the main advantages of direct mail, Lukk mentioned two aspects. It enables extremely precise targeting in cities as well as smaller areas. In addition, this way, the ad also reaches those who do not use the Internet daily or are not active on social media. When trying out direct mail as a means of advertisement, Clean Kitchen set the goal of creating interest in a new service among people. The target group in this instance were the inhabitants of the Peetri small town. To analyse the success of the campaign, they added a discount code to the mail to measure how many of those who received the ad would go on to place an order on the website. Clean Kitchen is a good example of how even the companies that are smaller or just starting out are able to make successful use of direct mail in addition to digital alternatives in their ad campaigns, as well as measure its efficiency and grow their clientele.

Do you also wish to try out direct mail in carrying out a campaign? Let us find the most suitable solution together!